The Church of Pentecost Calgary Food Bank program started in 2020 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is open to all regardless of religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation.

The Food Bank program is an initiative of the evangelism wing of the Church to reach out to our community with the message of love, hope, peace, and joy in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me… ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:35 -40.

John 3:16 states: “This is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

The Church saw the opportunity to partner with other organizations/institutions to impact our community as a non-profit organization by giving food and other items to individuals and families in need in order to reduce food insecurity among families. The transportation, pre-packaging and distribution of these items is made possible by the Church with the help of various volunteers from the Church.  

Currently, the Church has instituted a drive-in approach to allow persons picking food to receive the various items while sitting in the comfort of the vehicles during the Free Food Giveaways held usually on Saturdays between 3p.m. and 4 p.m.    Those who are not able to come for the Free Food Giveaways on Saturdays can contact the Food Bank program to arrange for pickup during the week subject to availability of food.

The Church of Pentecost Canada – Calgary District Food Bank program was granted Food Handling Permit by Alberta Health Services in October 2020 and became a member of the Food Banks of Alberta in December 2020.

Though the program is still in its infancy, it has impacted several families and individuals, numbering over 1,000 people.


To continue serving the Calgary, Airdrie and Lethbridge communities through the Church of Pentecost Calgary Food Bank program as part of the church’s mandate while transforming our community with the values and principles of the Kingdom of God.


To achieve the vision and mission of this initiative, the Church has partnered with various organizations such as Second Harvest/Food Rescue, Food Banks of Alberta, Safeway, Food Bank Alberta, Leftovers, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Calgary AB Bishops’ Storehouse and City of Calgary among others. The Church receives various donations and support from many of these organizations and distributes them to those in need in the community.  

The church receives various in-kind donations to be distributed to the community from many of these organizations. These items are either delivered to the church or the church makes arrangement for rental reefer (refrigerated) truck to pick up the food items.


Good evening Sir, …I just want to thank your church/organization for exemplifying Christ last week. Your generosity/kindness has definitely been the talk of the city. I know your labor of love would not go unrewarded IJN. Amen. God bless you!” – Beneficiary A

“I wish to thank you for the hampers tonight. I delivered them to the two young families that are quarantined and shared the lettuce with them. They were so happy to receive them. Both young moms called me with tears of gratitude. Thank you again and bless you all for your hard work” –Beneficiary B

“Thank you! I was able to pick up the hamper today and greatly appreciate all you do. God bless you and all the young men enduring the cold today” – Beneficiary C


The Church of Pentecost Canada- Calgary will continue to partner with other institutions/organizations and individuals to continue to positively impact our community and beyond.  We aim to have a community food giveaway at least once a week and for people to be able to pick food when in need.

If you want to donate towards the Food bank, you can e-transfer your donation to copcalgary.foodbank@gmail.com or mail a cheque to 4255 64 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2C 2C8. Any donations of $20 or more will be given a donation receipt for tax purposes. We welcome organizations and companies who would want to partner with us to curb food insecurity in the community.


For additional information, or to volunteer with the Food Bank program, contact  587-620-8452 / 780-807-5841 or email cop.calgarydistrict@gmail.com. www.pentecostcalgary.org.

claudine sengue
11:08 22 Jan 23
You receive love and find good people at this place.
Marina Cardinez
21:05 14 Nov 22
The beautiful people in this church really make PIWC-Calgary a gem. Super amazing how everyone is so welcoming and genuinely kind! 💗
Cori Bear
09:04 27 Sep 22
Needed an extra helping hand just recently. This church and it's helpers gave my family the help we needed. Sometimes the small things go along way. I'm grateful and blessed:)
Khee Em
19:31 07 Sep 22
If I win a lottery, I will donate to this church. So very nice. This place helped me so much during covid when I lost my second job. My first job is minimum wage anyways so this is really helpful. God bless everyone and every volunteer.
Ralph Meyer
16:57 19 Dec 21
They were awesome. I picked up a hamper for a lady and were very quick with putting in my vehicle. They practiced covid no contact delivery to the vehicle. Thank you for keeping me safe.