Stoking the fire of the Holy spirit and living in the fear of God in the local church

Scriptures: Acts 5:1-14, Leviticus 6:8-13, Acts 10

What is meant by the fear of God? To honor God with our life in such a way that we will not do anything in word or deeds to displease him.

1. Obedience to God’s word. Genesis 22: 12

2. Unconditional sacrifice Romans 12:1

3. Having compassion for others. The fear of God will help us treat others with godly kindness. Genesis 42:1-18. 

4. The fear of God is refraining from evil. Job 1:1, Exodus 1:17, 1Sam 15:22. Prov 8:13, prov 16:6, prov 3:7. Because when we obey God, God get happy. Deut 6:1-2.

5. To fear God is to walk in the way of God. Deut 10:12-13

6. The fear of God is loving God wholeheartedly. Deut 10: 20-21, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27.

7. The fear of God is being afraid of God. This does not mean God is a monster but remember, this same God who is so loving is also a consuming fire.

The fear of God in the New Testament. 

In the New Testament God is revealed as a loving father, the one we come to, and he makes us his sons and daughters, the one that we can go to and cry ABBA father.  Romans 8:15 to 17; 2ndTimothy 17; 1stJohn 4:18

But the doctrine of grace has been overstretched that some believers think they can live in any lifestyle they want. Jude 4, Romans 6:1-2, Titus 2:11-13. 

The grace of God should rather lead us live a holy life. May God help us so that we will not abuse His grace but rather live holy lives in the fear of the Lord

Let’s take the example of Ananias and Sapphira in Act 5, who lies about the amount they sold their land, thinking they were lying to Peter, not knowing they were lying to God. So if we don’t live in the fear of God, what happened to Ananias and Sapphira will happened to us. God cannot be mocked brethren, I prayed that the power of God will be bigger for us and that others will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus.

Second example of the fear of God in the New Testament, is that of Cornelius and his family in acts chapter 10.

Cornelius was devout and God-fearing Act 10-1:2.

Scripture says when he learned to obey God, he got exceeded his expectation and all his prejudices. May we live in the fear of god so that we will see the mighty hand of god in our lives. 

When we live holy lives in the fear of the Lord, the Holy Spirit will be manifested among us, 1st Corinthians 12:7-11; Romans 12; 1st Corinthians 12

In Leviticus 6:8-13, about three times, God says the fire must not go out, and that it should be kept burning.  In the New Testament this burning fire symbolizes something about Christ. It means that Christ has been eternally offered to the church, (Hebrews 7:27 1st Peter 3:18) and the gospel must be preached always that Christ died and was raised to atone for our sins.  

The results of the fear of God

When we live in that fear of God there is maximum impact.

When the church lives in the fear of God, we will see miracles upon miracles, Luke 5:16.

The conclusion of the matter is that, fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. So our whole existence is that we exist to fear God, may we live to fear God and when we fear God, what happens is that, it brings wisdom and understanding, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10.  The fear of God saves from trouble, it is a fountain of life that turns one from the snares of death, Proverbs 14:27 and it keeps us from immorality Proverbs 6:24 and then for the believer, the fear of God brings us closer to God Psalm 25:14,  1st John 1:7 and it brings untold blessings Psalm 31:19 , Psalm 33:18 and Psalm 122.