Repositioning oneself here, is more or less discovering or re-discovering your purpose in order to be able to impact other with it. This is because we are not just repositioning ourselves for the sake of just repositioning but it is for a purpose and that is the purpose we need to discover to be able to make the needed impact.
In Luke 4:18 Jesus himself when he came, he discovered what his purpose was, hence he made the necessary impact on that purpose. And we, having the chance to be called children of the cross or the redeemed ones is the testimony of Christ’s impact.
So, brethren we have to discover what that divine purpose of ours is, so that we can have the required impact and by the end of the year it can be said of us that our impact has been made.
Another thing that we need after discovering our purpose, is divine anointing; what will help make our impact fruitful. So let’s be sensitive to feel that anointing through the move of the Holy spirit.
Act 16: 32 – 33. 17:4-5 tells us the impact Paul and Silas made through the divine anointing.
Act 10:38 makes us understand that when God blesses us with something, whatever it may be, it is for a purpose. Thus for us to use it to bless or impact others in order to demonstrate the glory of God. 2nd Corn 9:13.
Secondly, it is to accomplish the good of those who love the Lord Rom 8:28.
Deuteronomy 30:15 – 16 tells us that this grace, blessing or repositioning calls for us to do something. Thus, it calls for us to love God, be obedience to him and his commandments.