Hannah Gave Back to God

Scriptures: Psalm 112; 2Corin 9:6 – 15; 1Sam 2: 18-21

As a church the bible teaches us about giving.

Hannah when teased by Peninnah for not having a child, Hannah went to the Lord in prayers and promised him (God) that if He gives her a child, she will give the child back to him the Lord. And the faithful God blessed her with a child and Hannah fulfilled her promised and willingly gave his only son (Samuel) to the Lord. Hannah didn’t think of whether or not she will have another child but fulfilled her promised by glorifying God. So, brethren let glorify the Lord with our giving. 

As believers God wants us to give to him in these 3 ways

1. Giving ourselves wholly to him. Giving it all out to him. Roman 12:1-2, 2corin 8:5

2. Giving in our tithe and offerings.  Malachi 3:10, Matthew 23:23, Lake 11:42.

3. God wants us to give to meet the needs of others. Gal 6:10, 1Timo 6:17-19, Act 4: 32-35.


Giving is originated from God. He gave us life, he gave us things (for our survival), he also gave us his only son even while we were sinners (John 3:16), Roman 3:13, 1peter 1 :3. 

How should believers give?

1. God wants us to give willingly, not grudgingly 1cor 16: 1-3

2. Believers should give bountifully as God has blessed them. 2Corin 8:9, 2corin 9:6

3. Give cheerfully 

4. Give sacrificially 2 Sam. 24:24

5. Believers must give without a public show of it. Mat 6:1-4

6. Believers should give without expecting a return. Psalm 21:6, Act 10 3-4.

7. Give as an act of worship.  For as we give to honor him, He, in return blesses us. Psalm 112

God’s blessings is not always money (Psaml 112), but can be in any in of the following forms among others:

1. Generational blessing: Verse 2

2. Wealth and wishes will be in their (believers’) house Verse 3

3. Light will rise upon the upright even in dark times.

4. Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, those who conduct their affaires with justice. Verse 5

5. Strength, hope ectc. 

As we dedicate ourselves and our time to the Lord and to his Work, He will always put the devil in shame for our sake.

In conclusion, it is God who gave us what we have, He did it to see our faithfulness in our giving.  So may we be faithfulness to God in our giving. Because God is the first giver and since we are his children let’s emirate this act of his giving.