Scriptures: Psalm 66: 8-12, Genesis 26:12- 22
Rehoboth means flourishing, a place of expansion.
As we know it, God is a covenant Keeping God, and He had promised Abraham and his descendants that He will bless them. And in the time of Abraham there was famine and Abraham descended to the South. And in the time of Isaac too there had been a famine but yet God appeared to him (Isaac) to renew His covenant He had made with his father Abraham. And Isaac was Obedient to God when God instructed him, and he stayed in Gerar in that time of famine instead of going to Egypt like his father Abraham had done in Genesis 12.
This tells us that, as Christians, or as children of God serving Him, it is not always that everything will be smooth (Gen 26). Despite the promises He (God) made to Abraham and his descendants, Isaac still went through a difficult time. There will surely be times of challenges and difficulties in this journey of ours, but the good thing is that GOD WILL NOT ABANDON HIS CHOSEN ONES. For He is the promise keeper and the covenant keeper.
What God told Isaac was, if he will obey His (God’s) voice and keep His laws, He (God) will Bless him (Isaac), hence Isaac obeyed and God blessed him.
This tells us that when we obey the Lord, he blesses us, hence it is up to us to play our part of obeying God and He will also keep to His covenant. Hence brethren, whatever the circumstances may be, let’s keep being obedient to our God for He is a covenant keeper.
The bible tells us also that God cannot be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he shall reap, and he who sows to his flesh will reap corruption and he who sows to the spirit will reap everlasting life. Hence let’s not grow weary for doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not loose heart. Isaac could have used the famine to relax or disobey God, but rather he obeyed God and stayed and worked hard and God blessed his efforts.
Let’s also note that God’s blessing does not come only in material things. The life we have is a blessing, the family we have is a blessing, our health is a blessing, finding a God-fearing spouse is a blessing, God favour and His good Will upon us are also forms of blessings.
There are many lessons that can be drowned from this bible reading. One of them is that when God blesses us there will be many jealousies, hatred, and opposition, just as Isaac faced with the King Abimeleck (Gen 26:16), but we need not to quarrel or retaliate, but rather trust God to deal with our enemies.
Secondly, it teaches us to be resilient and not to give up easily no matter how hard life gets.
Also, it teaches us not to live in fear, for the bible tells us God did not give us the spirit of fear but of boldness and sound mind. Job 3:25, 2nd Timothy 1:7. Fear can lead to sin. We mostly have the fear of the unknown, fear of the future. Let’s commit it all into the hands of the all-knowing God, and have faith.
Another lesson we can learn from the scripture read is to be peacemakers. As read, Isaac was gentle and not quarrelsome. As Matthew 5:9 also tells us, “Be a peacemaker and lover of peace.
Setting a good example for others, especially for our children is another lesson we can learn from the scripture.
In conclusion, let’s learn to trust in God no matter how difficult life gets, and let’s also continue to do what’s right no matter the opposition we face, let’s us persist in prayer and let us not give up on God, for God will lead us all to our Rehoboth.