Sermon (Page 2)

We hope these sermons would be a great blessing to you and your loved ones. Do not forget to share with your all your friends, and love ones. If you do have a question(s) about any of the sermons, email

Offering Ourselves as Living Sacrifice to the Lord

What then is our response to this ?1st Corinthians 6:20 tells us that, it is therefore our turn to offer our whole self to Christ. 

Hebrews 9:12 makes us understand that Christ offered his blood, which is still speaking for us till date. Hence 1st Corinthians 15 :58, tells us to give ourselves once again fully to the work of God and our work in Christ will not be in vain.

Hannah Gave Back to God

Hannah when teased by Peninnah for not having a child, Hannah went to the Lord in prayers and promised him (God) that if He gives her a child, she will give the child back to him the Lord. And the faithful God blessed her with a child and Hannah fulfilled her promised and willingly gave his only son (Samuel) to the Lord. Hannah didn’t think of whether or not she will have another child but fulfilled her promised by glorifying God. So, brethren let glorify the Lord with our giving.