Scriptures: John 1:1, 14, 17, 41.
*Trying to understand the principle: The word became flesh.
Christ coming down to earth in human form, thus in blood and flesh like us to die for us is to tell us that, to help others, we have to come down to the level of those people to be able to help them. So Christ coming in human form makes Him understand us in all our circumstances.
So I want you to know that, in that sickness of yours, in that struggle of yours, with that tears in your eyes, Christ understands you well and is in that situation with you. So if we want to see change in our lives also, we have to become like Jesus. Thus coming to Jesus’ level. Jesus is compassionate, merciful, not judgmental, humble, so let’s be like him and not be judgmental.
*And Jesus was both humanity (became flesh) and divinity. Why??? Hebrew 2:14-18
a. So that he can be identify with you and me.
b. To destroy the devil’s power over us with His death.
c. To set us free from slavery.
d. To become to us a faithful King
d. In order to take up our sins, our shame, our sicknesses.
*What then should we also do to him for all that He has done for us? Hebrew 4:14-16 Value our salvation, because it came to us through a great sacrifice.