Impact your world like Barnabas

Scriptures: (Acts 11: 19 – 30, 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20)

Barnabas’ name was given to him by the Apostles, meaning son of encouragement.  His real name was Joseph. 

1. Barbara’s made an impact through his generosity and giving 

Act 4:32-37

Let’s use what we have to make an impact just as Barnabas did. We realised that Barnabas gave it all and did not do as Ananias did. So what God really want from us is a heart of Worship. That being said, let’s give our best to God for his glory.  We should not give God our leftovers.  We should not give him our leftover talent, leftover time, nor leftover resources.  But rather our best and in so doing he will glorify us.

2. Barnabas made an impact by reconciling enemies.  Act 9: 26-30.

Let’s be Barnabas by not placing labels on people and treating them as such, but see them and love them just as God sees and loves them. Let’s be peacemakers. 

3. Barnabas made an impact by modelling Christ and helping believers grow in the Lord in Antioch. Act 11:22-26

Let’s be good and imitate Christ so that those who will come across us will see Christ and accept and follow him. As Christians, let’s know that not everything will be rosy but let’s be faithful to Christ. 

4. Barnabas made an impact also by being faithful. Act 11: 29-30

He was honest/faithful with the funds for the brethren going through famine. 

Let’s people speak well of the church, and of Christ because of you.

5. Barnabas made an impact by joining Paul to preach the gospel. Act 13, Act 14, act 15.

Let’s be preachers of Christ wherever we find ourselves, both individually and by joining hands together for people to be saved and not focusing on doing it alone just to the name or the title, but rather focusing on equipping people for Christ.

6. Barnabas made an impact through humility.  Act 14. He did this by refusing to be worshipped as a hero. 

Through all the impact and powerful things he did, he gave all the reverence to God. He knew he wouldn’t have been able to do it without God. He gave all reverence to Him. So brethren let’s humble ourselves and point Jesus to the people. 

8. Barnabas made an impact by standing up for right doctrine. Act 15.

9. Barnabas made an impact by mentoring John Mark. Act 15: 36-40

Barnabas gave John Mark a second chance to become a better Christian. 

Let not underestimate anybody, neither write off anybody, but rather give everybody a chance and God through them will impact many more generation. 

In conclusion, brethren, let’s be like Barnabas and impact the world to be better. For we are the salt of this world (Mat 5 : 13), so may we should not lose our taste. We are the light of this world (Mat 5:14-16), so let’s not hide our light from this dark world. May we go and light our light to the world. Let’s shine like stars in this crocked and depraved generation (Philippians 2:15)

May the good Lord help us and give us strength to be like Barnabas in our dark world. May we give the world a better alternative to the corruption, to the greed, to the idolatry, to the sin and to the evil that is happening. May the world see us and desire to come to God May we stand for the truth and defend it. May we be filled with the Holy spirit and may we give people second chances. May we be faithful and generous in even the little that we have. May we mentor other people so that they will be like Christ. May we be a people that model Jesus Christ and preach about him wherever we go. 


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