Is God’s power increasing or declining in you.

Scriptures: Acts 1:8; Leviticus 6:8-13; Judges 16:15-22.

Power is the ability to do something or act in a particular way; or the capability of doing or accomplishing something.

Samson had power, an extraordinary power, which he even used to kill a lion with his bare hand. With this same power, Samson was able to kill a thousand Philistines soldiers with a jawbone of an ass, Judges 15:15-16, and the source of this power was the Holy Spirit. Judges 14: 5 

Why did he have that power?

1. Because God had an assignment for him. Judges 13

2. His power was evidence by his Nazirite vow Numbers 6:1-21, and this vow symbolizes the consecration to God, and this is what God demands from us, to set ourselves aside to Him, 2 Timothy1:9; 1st Peter 1:15

Even though Samson’s power was from God, it decreased at a point. Let’s see why?

  1. Because he lived in sin as a result of his uncontrolled passion. Numbers 6
  2. Because he hung out with the wrong crowd. 
  3. Because he backslided spiritually. Judges 14:1, Judges 16:1, Revelation 4. Samson saw all the signs of his backsliding but yet ignored them. This tells us that, it is the time for awakening. Let’s discern the times so that we could watch (read, apply, and treasure the word of God) and pray and seek God’s guidance, so that we will not be caught unaware. Romans 13;11-14; Matthew 26:41. 
  4. Because he was complacent.  

The results of Sampsons decreased in power.

He became a slave to the philistines, and they praised their idols because of him. May the devil not be praised because of us.

Likely enough, God allows for a U-turns no matter our weaknesses or our failures

So, Samson went back to God and prayed, God answered him, and his hair started to grow and 

his strength begun to be restored.  

May we be empowered by the Holy spirit to do what God wants us to do.

The Holy Spirit gives spiritual power (gifts)

Romans 12 (encouragement, giving, leadership, mercy, prophecy, service, teaching); 1st Corinthians 12 (administration, discernment, healing, interpretation of languages, prophecy wisdom, apostle, faith, helps, knowledge, miracles, teaching); Ephesians 4(pastor, teaching, evangelism, prophecy); 1st Peter 4(serving, teaching). 

In conclusion, may we not decrease the power of the Holy spirit in us, but rather abiding by what the spirit asks us to do. 


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