Scripture: Revelation 5:8-10: this Scripture makes us understand that Christ was slain / sacrificed for our sake.
What then is our response to this ?1st Corinthians 6:20 tells us that, it is therefore our turn to offer our whole self to Christ.
Hebrews 9:12 makes us understand that Christ offered his blood, which is still speaking for us till date. Hence 1st Corinthians 15 :58, tells us to give ourselves once again fully to the work of God and our work in Christ will not be in vain.
2nd Corinthians 8:5 tells us in other to be able to give ourselves wholly to the work of the Lord, we need to first of all give ourselves wholly to Him, before we can be fully committed to His work.
How should we present ourselves wholly to the Lord?
- In Gal 2:20, Paul tells us that, in order to do this, we have to be accepted to be crucified with the Lord, by allowing Him to have possession of our entire being.
- Phil 2:12. We should not do things to please others, thus, doing good in the presence of others and when alone we tend to do things which are against the ways of the Lord. Brethren, let’s acknowledge that Christ lives in us and let’s try to do things that please the Lord even when no one sees us, and that will be how we can give ourselves wholly to Him.
- Proverbs 23:26. We have to delight ourselves in /desire the Lord and His ways and have the habit of studying His word. For in so doing the bible says our progress will be evident to all.
- Like 18:1 By dedicating ourselves to prayer.
- Mat 25:14:30 : By using the individual talents/grace the Lord gave us to support the work of God in his kingdom. Romans 12 :6-8, tells us all to use our individual gift and be faithful with them and that will be how we can live for the Lord.
Why do we have to give ourselves fully to the Lord and to His work? 1corin 15:23-25
1. Because the Holy resides in us that is why we have to give ourselves fully to the Lord and to His work.
2. Because of the eternal reward (Mark 10 :28-30)